black-and-white /ˈblæk
ənˈʰwaɪt, -ˈwaɪt/ [blak-uh
n-hwahyt, -wahyt]–adjective - Displaying only black and white tones; without color, as a picture or chart: a black-and-white photograph.
- Partly black and partly white; made up of separate areas or design elements of black and white: black-and-white shoes.
- Of, pertaining to, or constituting a two-valued system, as of logic or morality; absolute: To those who think in black-and-white terms, a person must be either entirely good or entirely bad.
I know that I said the rule was that I was to publish just one photo a week, but I decided to publish my favourite three, in order.
So, coming in third place is:
Second place goes to:
And first place for week one is:
I found week one more challenging that I thought I would! But I started to open my creative mind near the end of the week and got some good shots I think. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I think I will. Stay tuned for week two, the topic is food!!
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