While I was pregnant I joined a forum site and a "due in May 2011" group. It was fantastic as we were all going through the same things at the same time and we could help each other out and support each other through the ups and downs of pregnancy. The babies started being born in March (one very
prem girl) and were all born by 8 June. So we went from being the due in May 2011 group to the born in March - June 2011 group!!
Once all the babies were born we migrated the group from the forum site to a private group on
facebook. We now chat daily, share our trials and tribulations and try to meet one another (you may recall I met Trish and her lovely girl
Isla at Melbourne airport a few weeks back).
It is a lovely supportive group and is made up of girls from all over Australia and New Zealand. This year we all decided to do a secret Santa for the babies.
Ethan was Jamie's (from
Invercargill, NZ) Secret Santa. Here is Jamie opening his present from Ethan...

Ethan's secret Santa was Liam from
Kununarra, WA. Here is Ethan opening his pressie (check out Ethan's
meer cat impersonation in the top right photo).

Ethan was very lucky to get a new t-shirt and an amazing gyro spinning bowl, that apparently never drops food on the floor! We'll put it to the test over the coming weeks!
The festive season has begun!
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