So the following day I had a renal ultrasound (yay- got to see little, well not so little anymore, Poppy again) and the good news was that it was just an infection. So 7 days of antibiotics for me.
Unfortunately, I also caught a cold somewhere along the line, one with a hacking chesty cough that keeps me awake at night. So the cold, the infection and the low iron (diagnosed a couple of weeks ago) had me feeling less than best for the last week. I had three days off work, and really should have taken the full week off work and I am still feeling a little off.
Although the last week has been less than ideal, the last few weeks taken together have been great. I really hope that I don't jinx myself by saying this but I actually feel a lot more comfortable in my pregnant body than I did in the 20 - 29 week stages (despite everyone saying that from 30 weeks on it gets really uncomfortable). I powerwalk to work still (recently doing a best ever time) passing lots of people, my back rib pain (which was really troubling me for a while) has subsided, my feet are swelling less (this could be to do with the slight drop in temperatures from +35 degrees everyday to just +30 degrees everyday) and I generally sleep a whole lot better now than previously. I am still really mobile and can do pretty much everything that I want/need to pretty easily i.e. doing up shoes, shaving legs etc. I put this down to my pregnancy pilates classes and my walking regime. So apart from the recent illness I actually feel pretty fit and strong right now.
Now it may be a little early for this as I am sure lots can change in 6 weeks and 5 days but I thought I would jot down a few things that I like about being pregnant, and a few things that I definitely won't miss about being pregnant.
Things I like about being pregnant
- Afternoon naps - I always wanted to live in a siesta friendly culture, now I just need to find somewhere comfortable to nap at work.
- Heart beat - hearing the glorious galloping heartbeat of the little one inside of me that Jason and I made together.
- Baby movements - feeling little Poppy move about, tring to guess what limb I am feeling, playing with little Poppy (i.e. pushing back on his/her little hands/feet and getting a response), Jason being able to connect with Poppy through the wriggling and kicking and knowing that little Poppy is safe and well everytime I feel something.
- Anticipation - knowing that soon there will be a little one to cuddle and nurse. Poppy's been hanging out with me for nearly 8 months, and we have no idea what sex he/she will be, what Poppy will look like and what his/her personality will be like. I will be really happy to find out, but I'll miss that excitement that comes before getting to meet our precious baby.
- People being really nice - recently I was doing the groceries and I was waiting in a long queue. I was leaning over the trolley in a little bit of discomfort and a lady at the front of an opposite queue let me go to the front.
- Knowing exactly where our baby is - Right now, I have a decent amount of control over our baby's safety. I know where he/she is at all times, Poppy can’t run out into traffic, and I can step into the other room without worrying as he/she has to come with me.
- Having a belly that makes people smile - walking down the street I now find that I get lots of smiles from older women... its nice to know that my belly can make someone happy in the moment that they see it.
- Being told I am a superhero for doing (what I think) are basic things - A lot of people at my work are in awe that I can regularly walk up to 10km. It seems pretty easy to me as I have run 59.8km before, but to some even walking 200m is hard, let alone while pregnant.
- Peeing in a cup - so every doctors appointment I have to pee in a cup. It was ok when the doctors appointment were every 4 weeks, but now its way more regular. On top of that, I actually can't see the cup any longer... so its now blindly peeing into a cup (I won't go into anymore detail).
- Restricted sleeping positions - I was a tummy sleeper... that went out the window at about 19 weeks along, then I slept on my back.... that was gone not long after due to the extra belly weight causing light headedness and heartburn. So now I wedge around 5 pillows around my body and find a position that I can fall asleep in.
- Baby feet wedged in my rib cage - baby feet are cute...but not so when wedged in my rib cage. It's like someone stuck a lever under the right side of my ribs and is slowly trying to pry the bones out of my chest.
- Food restrictions -I already think about food too much. Am I getting enough of each vitamin and mineral? Am I getting too much of something? While pregnant, that responsibility to do what’s right for our bodies now becomes a responsibility for another human who can’t make those decisions. Considering all of the conflicting information out there and the potential of life-threatening diseases, it’s too much pressure! I don't really miss many foods other than sushi and rare meat. I REALLY want sushi right now. On a side note, I do like my pregnancy food cravings- all I want is fresh fruit.
- Strangers thinking that as you are pregnant, they have a right to tell you all about their experiences with pregnancy (even things you just don't want to hear) - enough said.
- People not being nice - there have been numerous times that people have avoided eye contact with me on the bus home while I am standing and they are sitting in the seats reserved for those who need it (i.e. older people, pregnant women etc...).
- Swollen ankles - I am looking forward to seeing my ankle bones again.