Coogee Beach is south of Perth, in the small town of Cockburn. Coogee Beach is a beautiful Beach and race morning was no exception at all as can be seen below:

This was my last race prior to the half ironman so I was trialling everything that I would use in the race to ensure everything was in good working order.... and it was all going well. My pre race preparation was going perfectly. I got Jason to help me with my wetsuit (not really needed for WA races but I thought I should use it). I got Jason to zip me up as per usual.... and the wetsuit was really loose.... I got pretty excited as I have been trying to get to race weight recently... so I just assumed that the weight loss had happened..... hmmmm. It was then that Jason pointed out that instead of being in my nice blue seventy helix I was in a shitty (and two sizes too large) ironman instinct.... arghhhhhh I must have picked up the incorrect wetsuit in NZ at nationals!!!!!
SO of course I got all panicky and worried and upset. I was after a bit of sympathy but Jason knowing that I needed to race in a few minutes time basically said "sort your ??!**** self out"... of course I over reacted and said "you are not the same as the man I married... the man I married would have given me a cuddle"... hmm anyway to cut a long story short Jason was right... I didn't have time for cuddles. So I pulled it together- a few years ago this would have ruined my day so I must be growing up :-) and started the race.
The swim was ok... the wetsuit was WAY to big and it was filling with water but I swum side by side with another female swimmer and we came out of the water in the lead.... for the first time in a triathlon that I have done the organisers sent the females off before the males!!!
From then on I was in the lead and didn't look back!
The ride was a lovely 4 lap course with two long false flats and one decent climb/descent... it was also a little technical with a tough turnaround that I saw two accidents on!!!

At least I got some clear riding space...

Here I am at the front of the bunch...

And here I am clear out in front of the bunch...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA "your not the same man I married.." Classic!! Had me laughing for ages! I do wonder if he didn't have to get out of bed at 4:30 in the morning wether he would've been more sympathetic... I also wonder at the time you said that weither he was thinking "Jeisus, right now your not exactly the happy, well organised, strong minded woman I married.." I guess we'll never know..
That's hilarious!!!!! So true!!!!
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