Last week Jason and I decided to do a drive around Perth visiting some of the best Christmas lights. We have been trying to make sure we do lots of things and not just go home and sit in front of the television after work... its not that hard actually as the Aussie TV is some of the worst I have ever seen and really there is nothing on at all to make us want to watch! However we do probably use more internet as a result.
Anyway we went for a drive up the Coast to check out the lights. It took a bit longer to get dark that what we originally anticipated so we went to the beach to watch a sunset to try and pass some time...
Here we are at the beach:

Here is the sunset that we got to experience while waiting to see the Christmas lights.

As we were driving further north after our sunset stop I took a photo from the car as the sky was still looking just beautiful.

Our first stop on our Christmas lights tour was a whole street of Christmas lights. Every single house was decorated! This street was raising money for Guide Dogs and they should have been making a killing with the amount of people that were here!!

Here's a shot of one of the houses as we drove past :-)

My camera was really running out of battery so we only got a few shots that night... annoying! The next shots were from a house raising money for the Children's Hospital. They even had their own radio station, and the Christmas lights were synced with music. It was pretty cool... we went back and visited this place again to show some workmates on another night!

Anyway...that was our Christmas lights tour.... well as much of it that we could capture on the camera anyway. It was nice to get out and about after work and see a bit more of Perth.
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