A week or so ago we had a daycare parents meeting where we were able to see our children's portfolios. I took a few photos of Ethan's portfolio on my phone (so sorry about the lack of quality in these pictures).
The carers document the activities at daycare so that us parents get to see what our children are up to! I am really appreciative of this as it means we are still connected. They outline the key aspects of learning and also note any areas of extension!
Here Ethan is doing some painting and adding glitter to the paint! Check out the concentration! If you click on the pictures you will be able to see them bigger and read what the carers say about each activity.
This page in Ethan's portfolio talks about Ethan learning to use a money box and how proud he was of himself for working it out!
Ethan's portfolio of work had some of his paintings in it!
As well as the portfolio of work, each day the carers compiles an A3 sheet of the daily activities. This is not as detailed as the portfolios. Its more of a snapshot of the day! Sorry for the quality of these photos but here are two recent shots of Ethan!

I really appreciate being able to see this information and it makes going to work that little bit easier!
1 comment:
I'd be a bit concerned about the level of English of his carer! But good to see that he is settling in. They get to do so much fun stuff at daycare - much more fun than they have at home!
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