Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ethan's first birthday party

It's the eve of Ethan's first birthday and as I type this blog I think back to how different things were a year ago! This time last year I was 16 hours into my induction and feeling a little worse for wear! At that stage I didn't know that I had another 22 hours to go before meeting our little Ethan (that was probably a lucky thing).

On Sunday we celebrated our amazing boy's first birthday party with our friends from Perth, Ethan's Granny and Grandad Papps and Aunty Leza from New Zealand!

It was all aboard the Green Street Express for a celebration like no other!
After two weeks of rain we were blessed with a perfect weekend of weather, sunny and 25 degrees! The day before the party we blew up all the balloons with a home helium tank. We tested whether we had enough to make a little boy fly- it wasn't :-)

For a couple of weeks Jason and I had been preparing for the train theme, we did a train painting, built a craft train to hold the cake pops and of course the planning for the cake consumed many hours!
 Here's a close up of the train carriages!
Unfortunately both Ethan and I were sick in the week leading up to the party and we woke up on the party day a little worse for wear. I did consider cancelling but decided not to in the end!Here's the party boy himself (looking as happy as ever!).
 Ethan LOVES trains so in keeping with his theme we set up a train play station for all the kids!!!
 Here is Ethan with his friends from Mothers Group!
Jacob (mothers group and daycare mate) and Ethan trying to  decide who's train it is!

Ethan's mate Jacob is a bit of a hair puller, here he is going in for the kill!

We finished the day with the cake cutting!
Here Ethan is opening his presents and reading his cards!

Thank you to all our wonderful friends and family who made Sunday such an awesome day. It was such a lovely celebration of Ethan's life so far. We wished that my family, Ethan's Aunty Melissa and Great Grandad were able to celebrate with us!

Seeing as tomorrow is Ethan's actual birthday we have left the opening of his family presents until then! I will post a blog on that later this week!

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