Well, I spent Christmas and New Years over in Queensland with my family. While it was fantastic to see my family it rained about 95% of the time we were there. The Queensland floods were devastating and I am thankful that generally my family were all spared any major issues.
We flew into Queensland on Christmas Eve, arriving around 8pm. The flight wasn't too bad at all, but we seemed to be delayed everywhere. Landing, getting luggage and trying to leave the airport carpark. There were so many people travelling.
We had also left Western Australia's clear blue skies and 36 - 40 degrees, with minimal humidity, and arrived in Queensland's downpours, around 25 degrees and high humidity.
Christmas morning was a nice quiet affair before the troops arrived, so I got a couple of garden shots in (in between showers). Did you realise this is how pineapples grow?

After lunch I had a lie down as I was pretty tired from the flight, the time difference, the humidity and being 20 weeks pregnant. But the party carried on around me. Here is a few more shots of the festivities.

The next few days in Queensland were pretty relaxing with 4 books read by me and at least a 2 hour sleep every day, however we were starting to get a bit of cabin fever as it was still raining. So Jason and I built some of my younger brother Tyson's K'nex from when he was younger. We ended up building a 6 foot space station out of 3000 pieces. It took us a day to build and a day to dismantle!
New Years Eve gave us the one day without rain and we made the most of it, I went on a good walk with Bella (the dog for those that don't know), Jason mowed Mum and Dad's soggy lawn and Jason and I took the kids to the New Year's Eve celebrations in Mooloolaba. Here are some shots of the kids enjoying the surf.

We flew back to WA on New Years Day and had a couple of days off before heading back to work. In hindsight the break wasn't long enough and I wish that I had taken the next week off as well.
Anyway, on to Poppy. Poppy was 20 weeks exactly on Christmas Day and up to then I still hadn't felt any movements. But in between Christmas and New Years Jason and I were lying in bed one night, we both had a hand on my belly and YAY, we got a kick. It was great feeling it together and I was relieved to finally feel Poppy.
Since then Poppy is getting into a routine, I tend to get a good lot of kicks around 8pm at night and 3am in the morning. The rest of the time I get the odd kick here and there. If I ever want a kick an ice cold glass of water seems to wake Poppy up :-)
Since the week 19 photos my belly has increased substantially, and sorry if this next piece is too much information, but finally my belly is starting to make my boobs look to be more in proportion, hahaha. I had not anticipated increasing 6+ cup sizes when falling pregnant!! Anyway, here are a couple of belly shots from week 22.

We have also done a lot of baby shopping since Christmas, the nursery will be the subject of my next blog.
That's all for now. Until next time!
Sounds like you had a wonderful break with your family. Yay for getting some nana naps in - make the most of it while you can I say! 6 cup sizes...eek.. that's impressive. The body does do some crazy things during those 40 weeks. And that belly is looking lovely - still tiny I reckon but it's all relative when you're the one carrying it around though!
Hey there, we did have a great break. We only see them once a year (at the most).
Yeah, 6 cup sizes has been a surprise for me as well(FF!), which more than anything has stopped me running :-)
I agree that it is crazy what the body does!
Take care.
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