Jason and I live in between the Swan River and the Indian Ocean... we are just a short walk from both. A couple of weekends ago we decided to head down and check out the riverside as we had only been to the beach. To get down to the river and our local bay- Freshwater cove, we have to walk through one of the most expensive neighbourhoods in Perth, Peppermint Grove. Here it is not uncommon to have multimillion dollar houses. They are amazing!
This is just a short blog today, just to give you an idea of some of our neighbourhood, next time we head out I will get some photos of the houses as well.
On the way down to the river there is a great rock wall with an old, half burnt tree trunk on it. I got some great photos for the collection.

The Swan river is incredibly busy, there are boats of all shapes and sizes out racing and just generally enjoying the day. I was really impressed at how much was going on at once.

Here are some photos of the various types of craft out on the river that day:

Here is a shot of the sand bar, if you look closely you can see poeple out walking on it. Jason and I are aiming to get round there and check out the river from the opposite side sometime soon.

As I said earlier there were all sorts of water craft out that day...

And what sort of outing would it be without the compulsory arty shots:

On the way back home I saw some great flowers for some close up shots and as yellow is one of my favourite colours I had to take a few of these.

When we got home we noticed this little fellow in the tree just off our deck, just eating away.

Sorry this isn't really a big newsy post. But I promise the next one will be better. Coming up I have my trip to NZ and photos of our house (once our furniture arrives).
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