Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 January 2008: Tauranga Half Ironman

We arrived back in New Zealand at 11.50pm on New years Eve and shared a very special moment with customs officials at midnight! New Years day was spent trying to unpack from Aussie, wash all our clothes, fit training in and pack for Tauranga!! A very busy day!

We drove as far as taupo and visited Blossom and his family overnight. On Thursday we headed over to the Mount.

Race day dawned and its always a shock when the alarm goes off at 3.45am! Its wrong to be up in the 3's!!!!

Here is the mighty GT on race morning with its beautiful wheels :-) I hadn't finished setting up tranisiton at this stage so it is still looking a little messy!

This is me on the bike course (at least I look fast with the helmet- thanks Kendal).

And me on the run. If you look closely you will see the look of pain on my face.
1st 30-34 age group

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