Yesterday, 09/10/11, was a very special day. It was my Dad's 70
th birthday! I really wish we could have been there to celebrate the day with you!
Not many can have a father who’s half as great as you. You are the reason, I am. Every year, your birthday reminds me how grateful I am that you are my father.With all that’s going on in the world today, I’m thankful I get to watch you, to look up to you, being an example of a good man. What a privilege it is to observe your strength, your competence, and your kindness. I am so blessed to be under your protection, your care, learning important life lessons from you. If all fathers were like you, the world would be a very different and much better place. Happy Birthday, Dad
.Here are a few memories on me and you over the years!

Of all the men in the whole wide world, there is no man who I respect more, or of whom I am more proud. Throughout the years, you’
ve worked so hard to provide us a happy life.
Your hands show us just how hard you have worked to give us a good life!

Dad, I love you so much!