We planned to be in New Zealand for 17 days which is a nice long break. Instead of heading back to Wellington we only went as far as Taupo. We hired a house and gave an open invitation to all our family and friends to head up to visit.
The journey started well after a hectic week (I worked 62 hours in the week leading up to the holiday) and we were lucky enough to have a ride to the airport with our friend Richard. This would be more of a blessing in disguise that what we originally thought as we missed a major storm in Perth and had our car been parked at the airport we would have come back to shattered windscreens from the tennis ball sized hail stones!!! There was some major damage! So you will understand what a relief it was to have our car parked nice and safely under the car port at the apartment.
Anyway, back to the blog at hand. Holiday time... so once we made it to the airport I breathed a sigh of relief. I had just finished a manic week and it was great to finally be on holiday. We started with some duty free shopping (new sunnies and books for both of us) and then waited around for the flight.
The flight was horrible as per usual. It leaves 5.50pm Perth time and we arrive in Auckland 6am NZ time (which is 1am Perth time)... I was lucky enough to sleep for about 4 hours, but Jason never does. This trip was going to be a bit harder as well as we were driving to Taupo (about 3.5 hours) instead of flying to Wellington (1 hour).
We picked up the hire car and were finally really on the way. It was a beautiful morning in NZ and NZ is so, so, so much prettier than Western Australia. It was somewhat colder though, we left Perth in 42 degrees and Auckland was 12 when we landed. Here Jason is with our hire car for the trip and having his first ciggy for the day. He was shivering by the end of the smoke!! It was nice to be cold again :-)

It was a pretty uneventful drive to Taupo, but we were really pleased to get there. Here's Jason just hanging out on the deck of our new house for the next 2 weeks.

Unfortunately for me and my crazy hair brained ideas my real holiday wouldn't start for a week- after my running race. In the lead up days I still had to run every day. My first run was along the huka falls walkway. This is one of my favourite places to run in NZ... while I was running Jason, Ken and Rona walked to Huka Falls (Jason has kayaked these falls). Here's a couple of shots Jason took:

Ken and I shared a platter of prawns for two (1kg of prawns). They were tossed in garlic butter and served with a garlic and sweet chilli sauce. On the side we had fresh bread and a prawn cocktail.... mmmmmmmm!!! Check it out...here I am peeling the first of many prawns...

Here's Jason and Lorry cooking yet another BBQ dinner.

Anyway the doctor was no better, she said that I was fine apart from the swollen glands and lymph nodes and for my sake she hoped that it wasn't glandular fever... great, what a way to make me feel better for my race!!!!!!!! Anyway, enough of that- back to the god parts of the holiday.
On Thursday Jason, me, Lorry, Nicci and James visited Orakei Korako (see recent blog post on this) and Leza arrived in Taupo. She had just finished competing at the NZ surf nationals in Ohope, picking up a few national titles in the process. Well done!!!
Before I knew it, it was Friday and the day before my BIG (and I mean big- 59.8km) race. Me, Jason and Leza drove to Rotorua on the Friday to do the race registration and some course familiarisation. I will blog about the actual race in the next day or so.
On the way to Rotorua we stopped in at my old primary school- Mihi Primary. Very fond memories of my time here.

I won't talk about the race at all in this blog. SO will skip to post race (briefly)...after the race we all congregated back in Taupo and had another great BBQ. Great times were had by all- lots of good food, wine and laughs!!!! It was a stunning evening in Taupo- check out the photos below- and I made it to about 11pm (I think)... it was probably from all the caffeine I had during the race rather than any new magical staying up power (anyone that knows me, knows that I am usually asleep by 9pm).
This is the view of Lake Taupo from the deck in Taupo.

Sunday night included the worlds best roast lamb, cooked on the BBQ. It was SOOOOOO good, cooked over 4 hours with Moroccan seasoning and smoked with bourban flavoured wood chips. It was my favorite meal of the WHOLE TRIP!!!!!!! Yummo!
On Monday morning, Jason and Ken went fly fishing again and after that Ken, Rona and Melissa were all gone. So from a very busy house, it was just Jason, Blossom and me left.
By this stage my pre race cold has reared its ugly head and I was fully sick by now... but it didn't hold me back. On Tuesday we did a 7 hour caving epic at Waitomo Caves (I will leave the detail on this trip to a post of its own). All I will say was that it was a WICKED day!!!
While we were waiting for Blossom's girlfriend Kate to arrive we visited Aratiatia Rapids. Every day the dam does 3 - 4 releases of water. The is the river pre-release.

All I can say about the rest of the evening is that it degenerated into a very drunken night. We played numerous drinking games, which Blossom wasn't very good at. This is the only photographic evidence of the night.

Jason and I were feeling a little cooped up so we visited Craters of the Moon. Apparently
The event was triggered by the lowering of underground water pressure by a nearby geothermal power station. Superheated water rose to the surface, escaping through any vent it could find.
Here's Jason checking out one of the craters.

Jason and Blossom playing for par on one of the holes.

We visited my Grandparent's grave, which was sad. I took a photo for my mum. Its been years since we lost them but the visit made me remember the great times we had growing up in both Rotorua and later on Waihi Beach.
After the visit we played another mini golf game but my heart wasn't really in it. Jason had a good game but I was ready to head to our new bach...
You'll have to wait a week or so to hear about the wedding but just to round out the holiday, Jason and I drove back to Auckland on the Sunday afternoon. Stayed a night in Auckland and then flew out to Perth on Monday afternoon. Our plane was delayed a couple of hours so we paid for a one off entry into the Koru lounge, which was a great decision in the end.
So after an action packed, family and friend filled holiday we were back in Perth. It was a great break, but as usual, its nice to be home.
Till next time.
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