We left Perth on Friday 6th March, our flight was around 6.50pm, so we had to work a full day of work first! As per usual I was pushing to get everything done on time, but finally got out the door at 4pm. It had already been a long day as we had been up since 4.30am for swim squad (and it was a tough one that morning).
As we were traveling with a bike we had to pack light but the airline check in lady was very impressed with our packing! In hindsight we really should have taken a few more winter clothes.... hehehe
The flight itself was pretty uneventful, it was an overnight flight, leaving Perth 6.50 pm and arriving in Auckland around 5.15am NZT (on Jason's birthday!) (1.15am Perth time). As per usual I slept at least half the flight, and Jason didn't sleep at all!
We arrived in Auckland and were very surprised at how humid it was, given that Perth has such low humidity levels it was sticky and yuck! Not nice at all!
Not long after we arrived in Auckland we were finally off to Wellington. It was very exciting heading back to Wellington and nothing beats the sight of the harbour and the hills! I miss the hills SOOOOOOOO much! Perth just really doesn't compare at all!
Wellington airport: I didn't even stress out when my luggage didn't arrive... I know that seems a bit strange as I would usually get very stressed about something like that! The luggage services man said "sometimes they just don't load all the bags..." The good thing was they delivered the bags to the Papps' house when it did finally make it to Wellington.
We were met at the airport by Jason's parents and his sisters arrived mid morning for a birthday brunch for Jason. We were treated to "albino" corn fritters (the fritters just didn't want to brown up...).
We were incredibly lucky to have our friends the Lewis Family (Mark, Josie and Cassien) up from Christchurch this weekend, so we spent the afternoon wandering around Oriental Pde with them and visiting a couple of other good friends.
Finally after over 30 hours up for Jason we went to bed and totally enjoyed being able to snuggle in duvets with a hot water bottle (well I did anyway...). I totally miss that since living in Perth and the 25 deg + nights that we have!!!
Sunday morning I did a bike/run training session and then it was preparation time for Jason's birthday BBQ. Thanks to everyone that turning up (and for the presents as well). It was great to catch up with everyone! Wellington put on a stunner of a day, one of the ones where EVERYONE says "you can't beat Wellington on a good day".
I didn't really get many photos of this day unfortunately. But here is the birthday boy himself...

This is Jason's godson James:

The rest of the week was spent catching up with friends and for me resting up and preparing for the New Zealand Triathlon Championships. I stayed with my very good friend Ang the night before the race.
We were up at 5.30am eating big breakfasts for the race, and I arrived at transition at 6.30am. It was time for all the usual preparations, setting the bike up, shoes, helmet etc. It started raining while we were setting up but all in all it was a nice day for a race, not too much wind and neither too cold nor too hot. Here is a shot overlooking transition. It was a dark-ish morning and perhaps I should have bought clear goggles in order to sight better in the swim.

I think I came off the bike in about 8th position, so I made up 11 positions through an ok ride. Now just a 10km run to go...here I am concentrating hard...

I am pretty indifferent about my race really, not unhappy but not ecstatic about it either. I did what was needed in that I automatically qualified for the World Champs, but I didn't have the fitness to do any more.
The rest of the day was pretty busy, we had a birthday lunch for Blossom (Mike Taylor) and then his actual 21st party in the evening. Here is Jason and Blossom:

The next day was our last full day in Wellington and we wanted to make the most of it. It was another stunner of a day so we started it with a morning bbq at Blossom's flat (although we had to leave before the food was cooked :-)... next stop was lunch on flying fish (Jason's family yacht), then a family dinner and a last round of visit/phone calls to close friends.
Here's Jason at the boat shed:

It was great to catch up with friends and family, but Jason and I were also pleased to be returning to Perth as well. Thanks everyone for making it a great trip and we look forward to our next trip to NZ. Meanwhile, we have a spot in our home for anyone who wants to visit us!