Our last weekend in Wellington showed us all the the city has to offer, Saturday was the best stormy weather! It is blowing a gale, pouring with rain and freezing cold. Sunday dawned bright and sunny and almost perfect (for this time of year). I do love Wellington and think that it has a lot of character but it made me look forward to the Perth sunshine!!!
I thought it would be good to post some of my photos of Wellington Icons... some of my favourite spots around town and why they are my favourites... in no particular order:
The Brooklyn wind turbine: this is at the top of a long great run from many angles (tip track, the roller coaster, the Karori Sanctuary fenceline etc) and the site of many a run from me. I love hills and I will really miss the beautiful Wellington skyline from the turbine. The turbine was also the site of one of my early cycle races. The Meridian Energy Grand Prix... a 3 stage race which ended in a hill climb from Owhiro bay to the turbine. I was shattered and was only riding a 11-23 on the back of my bike... needless to say this was not enough and I had to get off my bike at one point. The first and only time I have ever had to walk my bike up a hill. I went back and conquered the hill a few weeks later!!! The turbine was also either a checkpoint or a hill on the way of a number of the Scottish Harriers triple peaks races, which I had a great fondness for :-)

This next spot is a pic of the Wellington skyline from Stellin Memorial Park. A great lookout over the city, a spot where Jason and I watched the Guy Fawkes fireworks in 2007 and near the top of Tinakori Hill (another gutbusting Wellington run and a firm favourite of mine). This was also the place of my first semi successful night shot with my camera and no tripod!
This next shot is Wellington Harbour and the Wellington Ferry from Broadmeadows, up at Jason's parents place. Their house has the most fantastic views. We lived at Jason's parents while playing Canoe Polo for years and Jason's parents house is the site of many a fantastic and raucous family affair!!!!
Arghhhh Makara... an absolute favourite spot of mine. Here is a shot from the gun emplacements, Jason and I have been out to Makara many a time for an afternoon walk. Makara is also a good destination while cycling and the sight of my first real long bike ride. To me Makara shows the character of the Wellington Coast line!!
Lyall Bay in a southerly! One of my favourite things about Wellington is the Weather that we are faced with. Its not perfect and that's what I like about it. Wellington weather makes us strong, whether its the bitterly cold southerly with horizontal rain or a ferocious northerly Wellington produces a breed of athlete second to none.

This next shot is of the Wellington Harbour (take from the Tinakori Ridgeline). The Tinakori ridgeline is a purely magic place to be on the rare, calm/still Wellington days! This photo also has the sailing which is a big thing for Jason and his family. Wellington Harbour is also the site of many kms of open water swimming and canoe polo training for both Jason and I!
The next two shots are from my desk at my old job in Wellington at the Electricity Commission, one of the best views around!!!