Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quick update from Raro... more tomorrow

Hi all, here is a quick update from Raro... I WON the triathlon!!! Yay! I get return airfares back here as part of my prize! So stoked right now.

Backing up a few days I came third female and 7th overall in the round the boiler swim which I was also really pleased with. It was a very technical surf swim with waves breaking over the coral reef. I didn't read the water very well... just didn't know how really. One minute I was fine, the next the coral was nearly scraping my chest!!! Great tough swim though as a lead in to the main race.

This morning started with the ehaviest downpour I have ever cine across... I was a bit worried that the bike might be dangerous but lunchtime hit and the temperature shot up, the rain went away and the humidity levels increased. I knew that I was in for a tough one. In the bolier swim (800m) I was behind the lead 2 women by 40 seconds so I prepared myself to be over a minute behind the girls after the 1500m swim, but I had the SWIM OF MY LIFE!!! at one stage I was with the lead groiup of men. I came out on the lead swimmers toes... having drafted a good portion of the race so stoked with this. I paid for it a bit in the first 10 -15 km of the bike though. But pulled away from the other girls within about a km. In the middle of the ride there was the steepest nastiest hill you could ever imagine. I was in my granny gear and standing!!! and I like hills. I went through 2 full bottles of replace on the ride. About 1.14 for 42.5km so pleased with that effort.

THe run... I didn't know what sort of lead I had from the ride so hit the run hard, at the first turnaround I hit the timer and found I had a 3 min lead on the second place female. Really stoked s I increased this to a 5 min lead by the end of the run. The run was hot hard and tough. There werre aid stations every 1.25km with sponges and water which I needed.

We finished the race to be given nu coconuts to drink and this is the best thing to have after a race./... totally awesome.

I thjen got interviewed by rarotongan TV. All in all I just had a primo day.... and am really pleased. Its so nice to have a race that things go well for.


I will post phots when back in NZ as well as some stories about the rest of my trip.

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