Monday, December 29, 2014

Our blue eyed girl and our brown eyed boy!

We couldn't be more proud, here are our two gorgeous children - our very blue eyed (for now) Charlotte and our brown eyed Ethan! I know I am biased, but how lovely are they!
 I love seeing my babies together, although I am sure that Ethan  would prefer it if Charlotte actually played with him! I know there are many years yet for that to happen but in Ethan's mind he wants it now! In the meantime, we all need to be happy with the occasional cuddle! 

Ethan is very gentle with his sister, which I am very pleased to see! 

How gorgeous are they together! I couldn't pick between these three photos so you get them all!
One day over the Christmas break we couldn't get Charlotte to settle very well, we thought it was because she was too hot so the kids had their first swim together... it worked and Charlotte had a short sleep after this swim!
We had a few tricky days over Christmas with Charlotte and settling her during the day. On one of the days we tried to walk her to sleep. Unfortunately this day it didn't work... but we did get a change of scenery at the park which was good for all of us!


 Charlotte is growing very fast, I can't believe how fast time flies! 

Charlotte is very busy learning how to hold her head up - she is getting very good at it as well!
Charlotte is also smiling at us a lot now, although sometimes its hard to catch it on the camera (as you can see in the photo on the far right).
 I can't believe that Charlotte was 6 weeks old before Christmas... where has the time gone!
Charlotte is already starting to try and laugh and she coos at us all the time. She is also starting to try to roll a little by doing some amazing back bends! It'll be a while yet but she is definitely practicing!

Unfortunately the next milestone is her first lot of immunisations on New Years Eve, lets hope she takes them in her stride like her older brother did!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

 There's ham in the fridge, presents under the tree and the anticipation is rising - it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at our house!
The tree has been up for a while in all its sparkling glory!
On the tree are the decorations that Ethan has made at daycare over the years, these are very special keepsakes for years to come.
 Ethan and Charlotte visited Santa and got these great photos. Ethan told Santa that he wanted a Spider Monkey for Christmas... Santa wasn't sure what to make of that request!  Santa also wrote Ethan a letter telling him that he made the "nice" list this year and that his friends also made the list!
Merry Christmas to all my readers, I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season spending time with loved ones.

Monday, December 15, 2014

A weighty tale (for Charlotte)

When Ethan was around 4 weeks old I did an update of how his weight progressed through the weeks (read here). So I thought that I should do a similar post for Charlotte:
  • Birth weight - 3.375 kg
  • Day 4: Discharge from hospital - 3.180 kg (-195 gm)
  • Day 7: Child Health Nurse visit - 3.330 kg (+ 150 gm)
  • Day 14: Child Health clinic - 3.608 kg (+ 278 gm)
  • Day 21: Child Health clinic- 4.042 kg (+ 434 gm)
  • Day 30:  Child Health clinic- 4.518 kg (+ 476 gm)

I am pleased to see her weight gain as she feeds less than Ethan did and also for shorter periods (so she must be a more efficient feeder). Sometimes she can feed for as little as 4 mins and be done. Others she feeds for 20 mins!

See how Charlotte has grown:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Is he spiderman, a pirate, optimus prime or Ethan?

There's no doubt that Ethan likes to dress up! On any one day he will be Optimus Prime, IronMan, a Ninja Turtle, Spiderman, a Pirate or anything else his imagination wants to be! We have a few costumes which we have picked up over the years but if we don't have the costume Ethan improvises (or asks me for a very amateur face paint).

Ethan loves being Optimus Prime. Here he is in "truck" format as well as full transformer format.
Spiderman remains a firm favourite in this household! Not sure what we will do when he grows out of this suit!
Ethan loves being a pirate and making us all "walk the plank, me hearties" 
 My face paint on the left (Optimus Prime) vs a professional on the right!