Firstly, sorry about the lack of posts lately but I truly have not had time! We are so busy with both of us working full time I just haven't had enough hours in the day to do everything I need (and want) to do! At the moment the things that are really suffering are exercise and catching up with friends for both of us and project 52 and blogging for me!
So to help this we have made a few changes round here. The first change is doing our grocery shopping online. For $10 someone else browses the shopping aisles picking our groceries, packs them up, drives them to our house and puts them on our kitchen bench! Well worth the $10 I say! That has saved around 2 hours a week and it means that instead of rushing round on a Saturday we can play and have fun with Ethan!
We are also being really strict around our get up times during the week. Every time we snooze the alarm we put more and more pressure on ourselves for the coming day!
I work from home on Thursday and I have not yet got a great routine going... I need to probably get up a little earlier those days and get a good couple of hours work in before Ethan wakes up. Otherwise I just don't get enough work done around Ethan's sleep times!
Ethan has struggled with his molars so we have been having a lot of interrupted overnight sleeps. Lately he has been waking every 2 hours from around 11pm. Not great for work the next day (or even trying to get up and exercise!). I can't even exercise at work as I need to use my lunch break to express Ethan's milk for the following day!
We have a plan in place to get Ethan's sleeping back on track and I hope to wean Ethan from his day time breast feeds so that I can stop expressing at work (I think keeping up with it for 3 months has been a great achievement). Once these two things happen I should be able to (time wise and energy wise) exercise a little more. Most of you should know that I am like a bear with a sore head when I can't/don't exercise (poor Jason and Ethan!).
Finally, I have left project 52 slip. So I am not going to try to catch up... but I am also not going to give up. I am going to start from this week's theme. So Project 52 will end up being project 40-something at the end of the year! Again, I am proud to have been able to do what I have but just need to give myself a break and not stress that I couldn't quite keep up through the transition from stay at home mum to working mum!
So once again, sorry for the lack of blog posts, I hope that over the coming weeks and months I will be a bit better with this!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Working from home
So one day a week I work from home. Ethan is also home those days as we can't get him into our daycare on a Thursday.
The first week was pretty tough actually as all Ethan wanted to do was sit on my knee and play with the computer. So we got Ethan the table and chairs so when I am working he has his own "work space".
As Ethan gets older it will be used more and more. At this stage it tends to be more of a climbing frame for Ethan than a desk, but we are getting there!
The first week was pretty tough actually as all Ethan wanted to do was sit on my knee and play with the computer. So we got Ethan the table and chairs so when I am working he has his own "work space".
Park time
Now that Ethan is a bit older we are starting to be able to have more fun at the multitude of parks around Perth. We have 4 parks within a very easy walking distance of our home and Ethan has so much fun! He can climb slides (big and small) but generally only goes down them backwards on his own (which suits me as it means he is still just a little cautious!
Here is Jason and Ethan on a spiral slide at Lake Monger...
Email notifications can see the video here.
Ethan wasn't quite so sure about the see saw on his own though! He was hanging on quite tightly!
Ethan loves birds so we were regularly feeding the ducks at the local lake until we saw the signs prohibiting this!
Project 52: Week 22
Hi all,
Sorry for the delay in posting these, life just got away on me over the past few weeks with work, daycare, illness, teething etc etc!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
In third place is "modern book"- my iPad... I read far more now that I have this! Plus books (at around $10 from iTunes are much cheaper than buying in the shops!
Here is second place...
Sorry for the delay in posting these, life just got away on me over the past few weeks with work, daycare, illness, teething etc etc!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
book noun
- a written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers.
- a number of sheets of blank or ruled paper bound together for writing, recording business transactions, etc.
- a division of a literary work, especially one of the larger divisions.
In third place is "modern book"- my iPad... I read far more now that I have this! Plus books (at around $10 from iTunes are much cheaper than buying in the shops!
Here is second place...
And first for this week!
Look out for the next blog (as I catch up), the theme is smiles!Sunday, June 3, 2012
Ethan helps with the washing
Sorry for the video post spamming today but these videos of Ethan were all too good not to share them!! Plus I figure it gives you an opportunity to see how grown up our little man is getting and gives a different perspective that just photos. Its hard to believe that he is just 1 year old!
Here is Ethan helping with the "washing". For those that get my blog posts by email you can see the video here.
A few days later I did a load of washing for real and unfortunately a can of coke was still in the washing machine! Luckily for us the can didn't explode or do any damage! Note to self, I must check the washing machine more closely these days!
Here is Ethan helping with the "washing". For those that get my blog posts by email you can see the video here.
A few days later I did a load of washing for real and unfortunately a can of coke was still in the washing machine! Luckily for us the can didn't explode or do any damage! Note to self, I must check the washing machine more closely these days!
Is it Ethan or is it Gandalf?
Ethan's walking has really taken off over the last few weeks. Walking is now his first choice for movement and crawling is now just the backup! The other night while watching TV Ethan picked up our monopod and he just started using it like a walking stick (check out the video below)! It amazes me what babies can do sometimes, I have no idea how he knew to use it as a walking stick!
For those of you that get the blog by email, you can see it here.
For those of you that get the blog by email, you can see it here.
Mountain man!
Our little Ethan is a mountain man! He has no fear and has already conquered many a Perth playground slide!! He can climb a slide in seconds (what better way to tire him out before his morning sleep I say haha). Check out the video from this morning (excuse his non-matching outfit but we needed to extra jersey over his pjs as it was a chilly Perth morning - 15 degrees).
For those of you that get my blog emailed to you, the link to the video is here.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Project 52: Week 21
green[green] adjective, green·er, green·est, noun, verb
- the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves.
- covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields.
- characterized by the presence of verdure.
- made of green vegetables, as lettuce, spinach, endive, or chicory: a green salad.
- 5.not fully developed or perfected in growth or condition; unripe; not properly aged: This peach is still green.
In third place is the moss between the bricks!
Second place is a macro of the moss on our limestone walls.
Next week's theme is "book".
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