Monday, April 25, 2011

ANZAC Day 2011

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.

We will remember them.

Our ANZAC Day:

To commemorate ANZAC Day I made some chewy ANZAC cookies (picture below).

We were going to head to the dawn parade/service, but 45,000 other people and being on my way to 38 weeks pregnant we decided not to. We did make it to Kings Park and past the war memorials later in the day. I hope you all had a wonderful day and spent a little time reflecting on what the day means.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

37 week baby bump

Well I hit the 37 week milestone yesterday so I thought that it was time for another photo. Here I am with 3 weeks to due date.
In other news I have finished work and am now officially on maternity leave. It was a surreal, weird feeling walking out of work on Thursday, but I am looking forward to a couple of weeks of relaxation.

That's all for now, I'll do a more newsy post later on.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baby shower

Today I had my baby shower with some of the wonderful friends that I have made since living in Perth, it was a lovely afternoon and I think everyone had a good time. The balloons led the way... also indicating that we don't know the sex of the baby.
I was so very excited to be able to decorate with roses from our own garden. The fourth or fifth beautiful flowering of the season.
My dear friend Sandy and I had some fun decorating the cupcakes... more fun than eating them I think.

The pitter patter of baby feet...
I was very lucky to receive some lovely, and very practical gifts. This is one of them, a baby bath with lots of goodies in side. Thanks Melanie!!
We played a couple of games as well, the first was guess my waist line.... some very flattering and others not so, haha. But Melanie was very close and got a good prize for her powers of deduction. The other game was guess the guest's baby photos. Sandy was observant when people arrived with their photos and Fiona's random number generating was a good strategy, both getting 100% right so sharing the second gift.

A big thank you goes out to Sandy, Melanie, Fiona, Sharon, Nera, and Tonia for the lovely gifts and fun afternoon.